
1. How to check if a red card was given in a football match using a trigger?

If you need to check if at least one red card was given to any of the teams in a match, use this trigger condition:

Selection’s Trigger Expression match_rcards1 + match_rcards2 is greater than 0

Where match_rcards1 and match_rcards2 are the numbers of red cards got by the home and away team respectively.

If you need to find out if there has been a new red card at any point in the match (compared to the previous moment when some red cards might have already been given), then you can use the triggers below. Check the rcard_cntr variable: as soon as the number of red cards is not equal to rcard_cntr, you have a new red card in the match!

Download the trigger file

2. How can I place a manual one-click bet with a fixed liability rather than fixed size?

Switch the market to the Engineer Mode.

Enter the desired liability.

Press ALT and click on the betting button with the corresponding price.

One-click bet liability

3. How to back on a selection in the Place market if its chance in the Win market is three times higher than the chance of the 4th favourite?

A selection’s chance is 100/price, for example:

Selection's chance

In MarketFeeder Pro, you can address the Place market from inside the Win market and vice versa using the winplace_ prefix. This makes it easy to make a trigger that backs in the Place market if 100/winplace_back_price >= 3*(100/winplace_r_4_back_price). See the triggers below.

Download the trigger file.

4. How do I prevent the triggers from betting during a temporary surge/fall in prices?

Market prices can become unstable during significant events, such as red/yellow cards, withdrawal of a runner, goal/point scored, end of set, etc.

It is a wise idea to wait it out before placing a bet, especially if you intend to trade out, that is, close your open bets with equal profit or loss. This way you can get yourself more reasonable prices.

In football you can wait for a certain time after a goal has been scored, and in tennis – after a game has ended. To do this, use this condition:

Market’s Minutes since the last goal is greater than X

In all other markets (football & tennis included) it is generally wise to check the gap between the back and lay prices of the selection you want to bet on or against. If the gap is more than 10 ticks, the market is probably unstable:

Selection’s Back Price is equal or greater than r_ticks(lay_price, -10)

Here is an example of the price gap immediately after a goal and 2 minutes later:

Price gap before and after the goal

5. How to separate two triggers in time, so that at least 5 seconds pass between them?

It could be useful to delay the execution of one trigger in connection with the other, for example, if the first trigger places a bet and the second trigger checks upon the result of that bet. Sending a bet to the server takes time, plus you probably know that BetFair imposes a delay on certain bets during In-Play.

So below is an example of how to make sure that each of the triggers wait for at least 5 seconds (a variable parameter) after the other trigger has been executed.

Download the trigger file

If you wonder how the example works, here is a brief explanation. The first trigger that kicks in sets a variable called last_bet_time to the current time. In the conditions of each trigger there is a block that checks how much time has passed since last_bet_time was last set:

Selection’s Trigger Expression (now_time – last_bet_time)/mf_second is greater than 5
or Trigger {Name of the other trigger} Number of runs is equal to 0

The second condition is needed to prevent the locking of the two triggers when none of them can proceed because the last_bet_time variable has not been set yet.

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