1. How to know if Dutching bets will generate profit for a particular group of selections?
For a group of selections, each priced price1, price2,… priceN
, here is the general rule to check if back Dutching bets placed on these selections will generate profit when one of these selections wins:
100/price1 + 100/price2 + … + 100/priceN < 100
If the selections are from different markets of the same event, e.g. a football match, then add the market commission to the equation:
100/((price1-1)*(1 – commission1/100) + 1) + 100/((price2-1)*(1 – commission2/100) + 1) + … + 100/((priceN-1)*(1 – commissionN/100) + 1) < 100
Where commission1, commission2, …, commissionN
are market commissions applicable to the profits on the corresponding selections.
Here is an example of a loss-generating Dutching:
Here price1 = 1.07, commission1 = 5%; price2 = 3.0, commission2 = 5%.
100/((1.07-1)*(1 – 5/100) + 1) + 100/((3.0-1)*(1 – 5/100) + 1) = 128.25%
That’s significantly more than 100%, so it makes no sense to back both selections. In fact, if you did, you’d get a guaranteed loss in all situations except when the game has ended with the score 1-0 or 0-1, i.e. when both selections have won.
See Single-Market Dutching Formulae and Cross-Market Dutching Formulae for more information on Dutching.
2. How to check if the favourite team plays at home?
The home team is always placed first in the list of selections in a football or basketball Match Odds market. Therefore, its index will be 1, and you can address it using the s_1_
So to check the home team’s back price, use s_1_back_price
. If you are checking it from a different market, e.g. from Over/Under, then also use the prefix of the Match Odds market:football1_s_1_back_price
To check if the selection is a team playing at home:
Market’s Betting Code is Match Odds
and Selection’s Index is equal to 1
To check if specifically the favourite, i.e. the lower priced team, plays at home, use this condition:
Selection's Trigger Expression s_1_sel_order is less than s_2_sel_order
This condition checks that the rank of the first selection (the home team) is less than the rank of the second selection (the away team).
3. How to delete unneeded markets to reduce the load on my PC’s resources?
Always try to delete a market when you no longer need it.
For example, if you want to back on the favourite horse at 1 minute before the off if its price is less than 3.0, then delete the market at In-Play if the backing trigger has never fired. I recommend doing this with a trigger containing the “delete market” action:
You may come across different situations in which you are safe to delete a market: for example, when you only want to bet when the score is 0 – 0:
Think of other circumstances when you might no longer need a market in My Markets list and add them as trigger conditions to a market deleting trigger.
If you absolutely need to keep the market in the program, then at least stop refreshing it to save the traffic and stop annoying BetFair. Simply replace “delete market” with “stop refreshing market”:

4. How to clear some space occupied by the program logs?
There are two ways to do this:
1. Tick "At the start of the program clear log records older than X days", but this will clear the logs after you start MF Pro next time.
2. If MF Pro is not running at the moment, then you can manually delete the folder with all the logs. They are stored here:
c:\Users\%username%\MarketFeeder Pro 8\profiles\%profile name%\logs\
You can choose to delete all the logs, or just trigger logs or only program logs. In that case, choose the relevant subfolder, e.g. "logs\triggers".
5. How exactly does the “no more often than … sec” work? The trigger seems to check its conditions with a varied frequency (at 5 secs or 30 secs, see the screenshots). Is it an expected behavior?
Yes, sure, it is an expected behaviour. Let me explain.
The wording "no more often than 30 sec" indicates that even if the conditions of your trigger are met, the trigger will not be executed again until at least 30 seconds have passed since the last time it was executed.
In your example, if a market is refreshed every 5 seconds, the trigger will check its conditions every 5 seconds, in case they are satisfied. If they're not, it will try again the next time that market is refreshed, i.e. in 5 seconds. If they are, the trigger will execute its actions and then hold for the next 30 seconds without doing anything (not even checking its conditions).
Incidentally, if a market is refreshed, say, every minute, that means the trigger will be executed every minute (at best), hence the words "no more often" (i.e. could be less often).