Betting if the favourite changed several times
The idea of a user who suggested this example is quite specific. He wants to bet in the market where the favourite changed 3 or more times over the given time.
So the triggers below will lay on the favourite if at least 2 other selections have been the favourites before. Example:
An event start at 16:18. The favoruite changes in the following manner:
Time 16:16:02, the favourite is Chesters Tiger
Time 16:16:14, the favourite is Tudor Tammy
Time 16:16:48, the favourite is Zulu Hondo, time to place a bet
The first trigger in the file remembers the current favourite repeatedly once in 5 seconds, until the time specified by the user comes (in this example, 30 sec. before the off). A special setting "Add new to already remembered" makes it so that if the favourite has changed, it will be added to the list, thus building a sequence of favourites in the market.
The other trigger, the one that executes something important, like a bet, checks whether the number of the remembered selections in the list is equal or greater than the value of another constant (in this example, 3).
Use constant mins_before_start to set the time before the start of the event when the counting of favourites will stop. The other constant, change_num sets the number of changes that trigger a bet.