Limiting the number of simultaneous market entries
If you have a limited bank or just want to keep things under stricter control, you might want to limit the number of markets where you bet at any given moment of time.
It is often the norm to limit it to just one market, especially if you are following a staking plan, when you want to wait till the previous market is settled and its P/L is calculated, before you can proceed to the next bet.
However, even without specific staking plans, there may be situations when you cannot afford betting in more than X markets at the same time. For example, on a typical Saturday night you may expect up to 10 football matches to start at the same time, so betting in all those markets simultaneously might not be in your plans. In this case, the trigger below will help cap the number of your entries.
Click here to download the trigger file.
There is only one constant in the file:
max_entries: Maximum number of markets to enter at the same time.
This trigger file is a template, so it has a basic betting trigger which you can and should edit to include more conditions and actions that are relevant for your betting strategy. Just keep the other two triggers, "initialising the variables" and "after the market is settled" intact, and in the same order as they currently are.
And make sure you keep the two actions that set the right variables in the betting trigger:
The betting action, on the other hand, can be changed to whatever suits your needs, e.g. replace "lay" with "back", "Dutch-Lay" etc. Also you can remove the first condition in the trigger and replace it with other conditions that define the selections you want to bet on. Just keep the important conditions highlighted below:
Triggers in Action
The triggers do just what is stated in the title: they limit the number of simultaneous entries. Note, that it is not the same as limiting the number of simultaneous bets! Each trigger may place multiple bets, yet in a limited number of markets. Experiment with the max_entries constant to see how this affects your bets.
Watch a video demonstrating how the triggers work and how they can be adjusted: